For information about VBA for Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, see the following: Excel VBA reference; PowerPoint VBA reference; Word VBA reference; Note. Outlook for Mac and OneNote for Mac do not support VBA. Office 2016 for Mac is sandboxed. Unlike other versions of Office apps that support VBA, Office 2016 for Mac apps are sandboxed. Excel for Mac 2011 lets you create easy-to-analyze spreadsheets you can post online to view, edit, share, or coauthor with your team from virtually anywhere Clarify your data using Conditional Formatting with icons, data bars, and color scales; spot trends with new Sparklines, small charts that fit in a single cell. Office 2011 brings Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) back to the Mac. If you haven't used VBA before, and don't know why you would, here's a good example of how simple and useful it is. On the topmost menu, choose Excel Close and Return to Microsoft Excel. Solution for VBA problems: Completely remove the Mac Office 2011 suite and then reinstall the whole suite without using the Migration Assistant. This solution was recommended by XinXin Liu, Test Lead for Mac Excel, Macintosh Business Unit, Microsoft.
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Thanks for all the help.
and as a side note, can someone tell me what format I need to save this file in Excel for Mac 2011 for VBA to work? That may be my problem although I've tried several different formats with no luck.
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeSave()
'Consolidates data from the range a2:f500 for every tab except the one it's part of.
Dim wrkSheet As Worksheet
Dim rngCopy As Range
Dim lngPasteRow As Long
Dim strConsTab As String
strConsTab = ActiveSheet.Name 'Consolidation sheet tab name based on active tab.
If Sheets(strConsTab).Cells(Rows.Count, 'A').End(xlUp).Row >= 2 Then
If MsgBox('Do you want to clear the existing consolidated data in '' & strConsTab & '', vbQuestion + vbYesNo, 'Data Consolidation Editor') = vbYes Then
Sheets(strConsTab).Range('A2:f' & Cells(Rows.Count, 'A').End(xlUp).Row).ClearContents
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each wrkSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If wrkSheet.Name <> strConsTab Then
Set rngCopy = wrkSheet.Range('a2:F500')
lngPasteRow = Sheets(strConsTab).Cells(Rows.Count, 'A').End(xlUp).Row + 1
rngCopy.Copy Sheets(strConsTab).Range('A' & lngPasteRow)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End If
Next wrkSheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox 'The workbook data has now been consolidated.', vbInformation, 'Data Consolidation Editor'
End Sub